The Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte is a North Carolina based 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization dedicated to the study and practice of Insight (Vipassana) Meditation and Lovingkindness (Metta). All are welcome to join us.
We welcome you to join us for practice and to engage with the community for any of our weekly Meditation Meetings listed below. Also, please check our Events listings and sign up for our Monthly Newsletter to learn about additional Dharma practice or study opportunities.
You may view previous Dharma talks on our YouTube channel. Please consider supporting this work by making a donation here.
Our Community
Along with Insight (Vipassana) Meditation and Lovingkindness (Metta) practice, the Insight Meditation Community of Charlotte also studies and practices Mindfulness with the intention of integrating wisdom and manifesting compassion in all aspects of our lives.
Although based on the 2,600 year-old teachings of the Buddha, Insight Meditation is relevant in our current challenging times as a means for quieting the mind, trusting the heart and living with ease.
Teachings and meditations are offered freely. In the Buddhist tradition, teachings are considered so precious as to be priceless. Dana is the ancient Pali word for generosity arising effortlessly from deep gratitude. Your dana, to offset expenses, is greatly appreciated.
To join our GroupMe chat community for event updates, download the GroupMe app and reach out to the Metta Committee chair for a link at metta@imccharlotte.org
“Each of us has a genuine capacity for love, forgiveness, wisdom and compassion.
Meditation awakens these qualities so that we can discover for ourselves the unique happiness that is our birthright.”
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself,and that person is not to be found anywhere.You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
“When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms and pirates,if everyone panicked, all would be lost. But if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered,it was enough. It showed the Way for everyone to survive.”